Anne currently serves The Salvation Army as the Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Response Coordinator for the Africa Zone, based at The Salvation Army Leaders' Training (SALT) College of Africa. She is also a member of the International Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Response Council.

‘Prejudice and injustice are deeply embedded in the crimes of modern slavery and human trafficking, crimes that are as old as humanity. 

‘The famous businesswoman, Mary Kay Ash, once said, “It is far better to be exhausted from success than to be rested from failure.” I am constantly looking for opportunities to prevent human trafficking from happening among the communities I work with, to protect those who may have fallen victim already and to engage everyone to participate in responding to this crime in whichever little way they can, and at the very least to offer prayer. 

‘I find great strength in a family of passionate and like-minded colleagues, listening to survivors tell their stories of courage, strength, resilience amid what seems like a hopeless situation. Every day I face new forms of this crime in unexpected manifestations, but I know even though the waters are rising, I must also rise. Psalm 46:3-5 reads, “Though its waters roar and foam… There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the holy place where the Most High dwells. God is within her, she will not fall; God will help her at break of day.”’