International Officer Training and Leader Development Council
The International Officer Training and Development Council (IOTALDC) has the primary purpose to serve the General and the global Salvation Army by promoting quality training and leader-development of officers throughout the world; by offering support as needed to territories in their training and leader-development systems; and by providing oversight to ensure training systems meet the aims and purposes of The Salvation Army.
Council Members

Lieut-Colonel Anne-Florence Tursi is Chair of IOTALDC and Assistant Chief Secretary, Personnel, International Headquarters (IHQ). She grew up in France and Switzerland. She trained as an officer at the International Training College, London, where she met her future husband, Massimo. Appointments in corps work in Italy and Switzerland were followed by the challenge to plant a new corps in the former East Berlin, Germany. Further appointments brought responsibilities as Divisional Director of Women’s Ministries in Germany, Lithuania and Poland, Territorial Secretary for Women’s Ministries in Switzerland, Austria and Hungary, and Command President of Women’s Ministries in the Italy and Greece Command. She has taught in many training college settings and as Chair of the ‘Catherine Programme’, a Salvation Army European summer school for employees, cadets and officers. Lieut-Colonel Tursi has a university diploma in Curative Pedagogy and a certificate for systemic and strategic brief therapy (School of Palo Alto). Together with her husband she has four grown-up children and six grandsons.

Major (Dr) Alberth Sarimin was born in Kalawara, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. He is married to Lieut-Colonel Elsi Hariyati and they have three children. He is Vice-Chair of IOTALDC and holds a Bachelor of Education (Muhammadiyah University, Palu). In 1999 Major Sarimin completed the Advanced Diploma of Ministry at the Salvation Army College of Further Education in Sydney, Australia, and in 2006 he completed a master’s in Public Health at Diponegoro University. In 2013, he completed his Master of Theology at Tangerang Harvest Theology College before gaining his Doctorate in Theology from Jaffery Theology College, Makassar, in 2016. As an officer, he has held appointments which have included assistant corps officer, school supervisor, hospital administrator and training principal, territorial youth secretary, assistant project officer, assistant chair for a theological seminary and territorial secretary for programme. Currently he is Assistant Chief Secretary in the New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa Territory.

Colonel Kalie Webb, Secretary of IOTALDC, is an Australia Territory officer. She currently serves as Territorial President of Women’s Ministries in the Kenya West Territory. Her ministry experiences have included corps officership, training college and leadership development work, and divisional and territorial leadership and more recently as the Under Secretary for the South Asia Zone. Colonel Webb has served as Mission, Training and Education Co-Ordination (MTEC) Director; and the Territorial President of Women’s Ministries and Territorial Leader for Leader Development in the Pakistan Territory. She has served as the Academic Dean for Catherine Booth College (now Eva Burrows College) and as Deputy Course-work Coordinator for the University of Divinity (Australia). She has completed a BTheol, GradDipSysTheol and MTheol. In her spare time, she is a fan of Australian Rules football, loves photography, travelling, knitting and reading biographies. With her husband Geoff, they have three adult children (a son-in-law and a daughter-in-law) and five grandchildren who live in Australia.

Lieut-Colonel Liz Gainsford is Territorial Secretary for Spiritual Life Development in the New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa Territory and has been a member of IOTALDC since 2018. She trained in Australia Southern Territory as part of the Forward 2000 Session but moved to New Zealand directly after commissioning where, a year later, she married Ian. Lieut-Colonel Gainsford has served in three corps, three divisional headquarters and in two training roles in three different countries (New Zealand, Australia and Tanzania) and now at territorial headquarters. All these experiences have helped to shape and develop her into the person she is today and give her an appreciation for the internationalism of The Salvation Army. She loves to travel and meet people, enjoys going to the movies with family, likes the challenge of crosswords and loves to see people develop to their full potential. She is the proud mum of two children.

Major Aldene Meo was commissioned and ordained a Salvation Army officer in 2008 as a member of the God’s Fellow Workers Session. She married Major Roodolph in July 2009 and, partnering in ministry, they have served in various appointments in four different countries. Major Meo has served as a corps officer in Barbados and as home officer and then field training officer at the Territorial Training College in Jamaica. On international service, she served as an assistant personnel officer and at the College for Officer Training in the USA Eastern Territory. In July 2021, Majors Meo were appointed to the Bahamas Division as Divisional Leaders with Major Aldene Meo as Divisional Director of Women’s Ministries. The love of God fuels her ministry and the conviction of her calling into full-time ministry in The Salvation Army. She is motivated daily by her favourite Bible verse John 15:16, 'You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you' (NIV). She has been married to Rodolph for twelve years; they are the proud parents of a son and enjoy having adventurous family trips.

Major Joseph Muindi holds two bachelor’s degrees (Hons) in Biblical Studies and Ministry. Currently, he is Divisional Commander, Mwea Division in Kenya East Territory. Before becoming an officer, he trained and worked as a teacher, undergoing Primary School Management (PRISM) through the British and Kenyan governments. He entered the officer training college with his wife Mary in 1999 as part of the Ambassadors of Grace Session. He was commissioned in December 2000 and appointed to the Kenya West Territory. Returning to Kenya East, he served as a corps officer, school administrator, training college tutor, district officer, divisional commander and training principal. Major Muindi has also trained in servant leadership and marriage enrichment. He has been a Regional Chair of the National Council of Churches of Kenya and has served as an International Social Justice Commission member and United Nations representative in Nairobi.

Major David Allen’s theology for ministry is rooted in the equipping nature of Christian leadership, believing wholeheartedly that all the gifts required for the building of God’s Kingdom are uniquely fashioned within the Body of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-12). His appointments include serving various congregational assignments, territorial young adult leadership, Training Principal in the Canada and Bermuda Territory, Ecumenical Officer with the Canadian Council of Churches Theological Council, and IHQ Secretary for Leader Development. His studies include a Master of Divinity from Regent College, a master’s in Business Administration at Trinity Western University in Vancouver, British Columbia, and Arrow Leadership. He enjoys walking with his wife, Brenda, and FaceTime calls with his children and grandchildren.

Major Deana Zelinsky is Training Principal in the Canada and Bermuda Territory. Recently, Major Zelinsky has focused on redesigning the training model with a flexible, field-focused emphasis. She brings insight and learning from this experience to her workshop presentation and looks forward to sharing specific information that may benefit other territories considering flexible, non-residential training. Major Zelinsky has served as an officer alongside her husband, Major Rick Zelinsky, for more than 20 years, including appointments in corps, training college, camping ministry and divisional responsibilities. They have three children and two grandchildren, all bringing great joy and fulfillment to life.

Major Raymond Cho currently serves as Secretary for Personnel and Director of the College of Mission in the Hong Kong and Macau Territory. His ministry experiences include both divisional and territorial appointments as a corps officer, school coordinator, training officer and editorial officer. He was professionally trained as school music teacher. After being commissioned as an officer in the Preparers of the Way Session in 2005, Major Cho pursued his postgraduate studies in Theology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He completed a Master of Education degree when he was involved in the Incorporated Management Committee of Salvation Army Schools. He is married to Major Tammy, a corps officer, and they have one son Danny who is now working in Manchester, United Kingdom.

Lieut-Colonel Michelle Collins (an officer of the New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa Territory) is currently Director of the SALT Learning Centre South Asia Zone. She has served in a variety of corps, corps planting, divisional and territorial appointments that have included corps officership, personnel, candidates, programme, youth and children’s, training college and communications responsibilities. Lieut-Colonel Collins served as Training Principal in the Papua New Guinea and Solomon Island Territory overseeing English and Pigeon speaking campuses and as the Principal of Booth College of Mission in the New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa Territory. Most recently she served in the senior leadership team as Territorial Secretary for the newly formed Communications Section, and from this appointment moved to Sri Lanka to oversee the implementation of the SALT Learning Centre. She is an officer review and development facilitator, a qualified DISC facilitator and was privileged to participate in the inaugural Women in Leadership programme with Victoria University of Wellington. Lieut-Colonel Collins has been a divisional coach and mentor and has broad short course and board membership experience within and outside The Salvation Army. She and Milton have two sons and enjoy good food, great movies and all kinds of new experiences.

Major Cassandra DeJesús is currently serving as Training Principal in the South America East Territory. She was commissioned in 1998 in the Builders of the Kingdom Session of the USA Central Territory. Major DeJesús has been stationed at various corps, divisional and territorial headquarters in the United States and Argentina. In her various appointments she has been involved with leadership training for youth workers, in corps leadership, in overseeing the USA Central Territory's ministry internship programme for those interested in pursuing officership and in providing workshops on leadership training. She is currently a member of the territorial mentorship group for lieutenants and captains (South America East Territory). In 2014 Major DeJesús received her BA in Ministry, with a concentration in Leadership and Ethics, and in 2020 she received her master’s degree in Organisational Leadership. She also holds a TEFL certificate, which enables her to teach English as a foreign language. In her free time, Major DeJesús loves to travel with her family, read books and listen to music. With her husband William she has two adult children who live in the United States.

Captain Anita Kamperman, a Dutch officer, is currently the Field Secretary and Programme Director of Faith in the Neighbourhood for The Netherlands in The Netherlands, Czech and Slovakia Territory. Her ministry experiences have included corps officership, officer training and leader development work, as well as serving with the Social Service and Welfare Foundation as Manager of The Salvation Army Academy, an academy for in-service training and development for 7000 employees. She has also served as Chaplain of the Catherine Programme Committee. This committee, established by European training leaders, provides grounding in The Salvation Army identity and mission for officers in training, soldiers and employees in leadership positions. Captain Kamperman has a bachelor's degree in Social Work and Theology and a master's degree in Social Gerontology. She is married to Captain Eric Kamperman and is mother of Simon and David who are also involved in Salvation Army ministry. In her spare time, she loves walking with their dog, visiting friends and exploring new places.

Major Tom Kristiansen serves as the Training Principal in Norway, where he also teaches homiletics. He grew up in Bodø, north of the arctic circle, where he met his wife Trine at young soldiers’ meetings at the age of 12. Together they have three children and two grandchildren, who they spend as much time with as possible. Majors Kristiansen trained as a teacher and worked in local schools before entering officer training. After commissioning, he served at corps, at divisional headquarters and in the programme, social and personnel departments. In 2019 Major Kristiansen was appointed as a training officer, and in 2023 as a training principal. He has for many years been involved in territorial further education courses for officers and was heavily involved in getting the training college approved as part of a bachelor’s degree programme in Salvationist Theology. As part of his current appointment, he chairs the Nordic Brengle Institute. He is also currently working on his master thesis in Value-based Leadership. When changing appointments have allowed for it, Major Kristiansen has been an active bandsman, including a few years with the territorial band.

Colonel Cheralynne Pethybridge was commissioned as a Salvation Army officer in January 1983. She commenced her appointment as Secretary for Leader Development at IHQ in January 2024, having spent nearly six years in the Eastern Europe Territory where she and her husband Colonel Kelvin served as territorial leaders. Prior to this she served as Territorial Secretary for Women’s Ministries and Territorial Secretary for Personnel in the Australia Eastern Territory. Colonel Pethybridge has over 20 years' experience in leading small and large corps, as well as over 20 years in divisional and territorial appointments. These have provided a strong foundation for her current role which involves equipping and developing senior leaders throughout the world. She attended the International College for Officers in 2011, and has completed courses in mentoring and leadership. Colonel Pethybridge is passionate about developing practical and spiritual leadership skills in others, particularly capacity building and providing leadership opportunities for women leaders.She has three children and eight grandchildren. Her personal interests include history, reading, music, knitting, travel, walking and spending time with her family.

Colonel Pamela Samhika, the Assistant Principal of the International College for Officers (ICO), is a Zimbabwean officer. She belongs to the Messengers of Hope Session and is married to Colonel (Dr) Bishow. Colonel Samhika has served in corps for 15 years, with three years as a single officer, and also at the officers training college as a home officer and later college librarian. She served as Business Officer at The Salvation Army Leaders’ Training (SALT) College of Africa and later in Mozambique Territory as a divisional leader. She returned to SALT College to serve as the Curriculum Development Officer, and later worked at IHQ as an administration officer. She holds a Bachelor of Theology (South Africa Theological Seminary). Colonel Samhika's passion is educating for the Kingdom of God and seeing officers become competent, confident and Christlike. She loves to see families living together peacefully and in unity, sharing and showing hospitality. She is blessed with a daughter and a son.

Captain Stivina Sinana is currently serving as Finance and Project Administration Officer for International Emergency Services. Prior to officership she worked as a secondary school teacher for six years, majoring in economics and geography. She was commissioned in 2014 as part of the Heralds of Grace Session and was appointed to plant a new Salvation Army work in Arusha, Tanzania. Appointments as a territorial sponsorship and schools secretary, a project officer and an education officer followed. Captain Sinana has a diploma in Education, Bachelor of Arts with Education from University of Dar es Salaam and a postgraduate diploma in Project Management from Tanzania Institute of Project Management. She loves working alongside vulnerable communities to help them reach their full potential. In her spare time she enjoys spending time with family and listening to music. She is married to Thomas Sinana and is blessed with three children.

Major S. Stephen Herbert Singh is currently serving as a training principal. His ministry experiences include serving as a corps officer in the India South Eastern Territory and in Singapore. He served as education officer at a training college and as Secretary to the Hospital Administrator at Catherine Booth Hospital. Major Singh has also served as a property record officer, editor, secretary for social programme and property secretary at territorial headquarters and as a district officer in Madurai. He enjoys listening to music and playing the guitar and keyboard. He and his wife are parents to two teenage children.

Major Alvin John is an officer of the Pakistan Territory from Khanewal. He is currently serving as Training Principal at the territory's officer training college. After being called by God to become a Salvation Army officer during a youth rally, he entered the training college in 2001 as part of the Believers Session. Major John has served as a corps officer, as administrator of the Joy Land Children's Home, in various training college roles and as divisional commander of the Sahiwal Division. He is married to Major Rubina Alvin and they have one son.

Lieut-Colonel Kennedy Mizinga is a Zambian officer currently serving as Principal of SALT College of Africa and Resource Centre. He has served as a corps officer, territorial projects officer, public relations secretary, section officer, property secretary, district officer, assistant centre manager for the home of the aged, training principal and most recently as secretary for programme. He has completed the following studies: MBA, BBA, IPGDM, PGDPM, DMS, Th.A and DTM. During his spare time he likes exploring nature and watching football. He has two sons with his wife Mary.