The Salvation Army is now at work in more than 130 countries. These are organised into territories and regions, which are grouped into five zones (Africa, the Americas and Caribbean, Europe, South Asia, and South Pacific and East Asia).

The General is supported in leadership of these areas by officers working directly with Salvationists and communities across the world.

World President of Women's Ministries

Commissioner Bronwyn Buckingham

Chief of the Staff

Commissioner Edward Hill

World Secretary for Women’s Ministries

Commissioner Shelley Hill

Programme Resources

International Secretaries:

Commissioners Debbie and Ted Horwood

Administration and Personnel

International Secretaries:

Commissioners Cheralynne and Kelvin Pethybridge

Business Administration

International Secretary:

Commissioner Garth Niemand

Spiritual Life Development

World Secretary:

Commissioner Patti Niemand

International Zones


Americas and Caribbean


South Asia

South Pacific and East Asia