Who is this Jesus Anyway?An uncomplicated look at Jesus.

Robert Street

Who is this Jesus anyway? is for anyone who may have heard of Jesus, perhaps thought about him occasionally, or even promised to stop one day to think through who he was (or is) – and what the implications might be – but hasn’t done so. It is also for those who have ‘written him off’ for whatever reason.

It takes a brief, honest, uncomplicated look at Jesus, to see what impact he has made and what difference he might make to anyone who is open to what they may find. The book also aims to avoid being patronising, condescending, know-it-all, or trite.

The last chapter says that Jesus gives us the dignity of choice. The dignity of choice is at the beginning too. You are invited (and encouraged) to read on.

Published 2018. 


ISBN 978-1-911148-61-3

Available from your local Salvation Army trade department, Salvationist Publishing & Supplies and on Amazon.


ISBN 978-1-911148-62-0