Discover more about The Salvation Army's work in India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Pakistan.

In South Asia we are enlarging our tent to open doors to new ways of thinking and working together, bringing light and hope to everyone.

Vehicles of Change: Self-Help Groups

Empowering communities in socio-cultural, economic and political ways is vital for overall development and progress in South Asia, giving individuals more control over their lives, livelihoods and futures. Self-help groups are an excellent way to unite people in underprivileged communities and have emerged as a key driver of change.

Simple Beginnings: Impacting Futures

Opening Doors: News ways of working together

Pray for the South Asia Zone

  • to continue reaching out to those who need present and future hope
  • to always value each person as worthy, made in God’s image
  • to keep addressing the challenges of individuals and communities with open hearts and hands.