Sacred Risk

Shaw Clifton

The composer J.S. Bach’s original music scores ended with ‘SDG’: ‘Soli Deo Gloria’ – to the glory of God alone. If it is possible to compose music ‘SDG’, then it is possible also to create literature ‘SDG’, for the glory of God alone. This fifth little volume of Talks is offered in that spirit.

Christian preachers are free to take and use any of the Talks in any way that helps them. Study or fellowship groups might find them useful, as also those preferring to sit, read and ponder quietly alone.

It is hoped that these Talks might find their way into the hands of believers far and near, bringing hope, affirmation and blessing.

Published November 2021. 


ISBN 978-0-854128-47-2

Available from your local Salvation Army trade department and Salvationist Publishing & Supplies.


ISBN 978-1-912981-56-4

Twenty Talks Series