As part of the Reimagining of Women's Ministries at International Headquarters, a new photographic exhibition was opened in Gallery 101. It features examples of Women’s Ministries from around the world.
The content shown here is the result of a ‘Reimagining’ photographic competition launched at the end of 2019. Almost 130 photos were submitted and the final exhibition features 36 of these entries. They demonstrate the breadth of Salvation Army ministry to women with examples of Salvation Army ministry in 23 countries, including Poland, Kuwait, Bolivia, Papua New Guinea and India’s Andaman Islands.
Click/tap the map below to see some of the images and read the stories behind them.
Warsaw, Poland – Lieutenant Oleg Samoilenko A group of women enjoy a masterclass in making Georgian food, run through Warsaw Corps (church). Warsaw, Poland – Lieutenant Oleg Samoilenko Women from Warsaw Corps (church) oversee a feeding programme for the homeless at the main train station. Warsaw, Poland – Lieutenant Oleg Samoilenko Lieutenant Dominika Domanska shares food and fellowship at Ladies Club in Warsaw Corps (church). Warsaw, Poland – Lieutenant Oleg Samoilenko Volunteers Joanna and Magdalena conducting a 'Zero Waste' open masterclass near Warsaw Corps (church). Torre Pellice, Italy – Captain Jessica Welch The ‘Sequoia’ brunch group at Torre Pellice Corps (church) brings together women between 17-70 years old. A leisurely brunch is followed by input from a guest, a time of creativity/craft and a Bible-based thought. Captain Welch says the name of the group was inspired by the ‘deep, intertwined roots’ of sequoia trees which ‘enable the trees to stand tall ... even in the worst of storms. As women, we need this kind of fellowship ... we need to “intertwine” our roots with other women so as to stand in the storms (and sunshine days!).’ Memphis, Tennessee, USA Every morning, before going to their work therapy assignments, women from The Salvation Army’s Memphis Mid South Adult Rehabilitation Center stop to pray together. They offer thanks to God for a safe place to heal during their recovery from addiction. Memphis, Tennessee, USA – Gwen Cooper Roberta Perry, Youth Development Manager for The Salvation Army in Memphis, enjoys the water fun day at Camp Hope, a summer camp for people who live in or have graduated from the Purdue Center of Hope, which offers residential care for women and their families. St Lucia, Caribbean Enjoying a light-hearted activity at the Castries Corps (church) home day camp. Bolivia – Captain Marycarmen Shirley Miranda Rojas Evangelistic outreach by Women's Ministries group members. Santiago, Chile – Captain José Solórzano During an open-air meeting, one of the participants stopped to help someone across the road. Kuwait – Captain Eric Tumale This photo was taken during the weekly devotional and prayer session with Booth House residents in Kuwait. Participants included women from African countries, both Muslims and non-Muslims. For many reasons, these women cannot show their faces. Zimbabwe – Lieut-Colonel John Murray Salvationists in Zimbabwe playing the timbrel at an open-air meeting. WINNER: Kagarama village, Rwanda – Jean Baptiste Nkuruziza Major Marie Grace Nsengiyaremye, divisional director
of women’s ministries for Kamonyi Division gives out nourishing porridge to a young child. In Rwanda, many children lack sufficient nutrients because of their poor diet, so the government is encouraging churches to assist this programme by feeding malnourished children in their communities. Major Nsengiyaremye works with women officers from the area to collect the ingredients from home league (women’s group) members. They then prepare the porridge and feed children after a talk on malnutrition has been given to the children’s mothers. Nyagatare, Rwanda Members of the senior home league at Nyagatare Corps (church) work together on a craft project. Kenya Commissioner Sharron Hudson (USA National President of Women's Ministries) joins in the celebrations while visiting a Worth programme that provides opportunities to women. Kenya – Commissioner Jolene Hodder This woman was able to become a hairdresser and support herself with the help of The Salvation Army. Having been abused by her husband, she had fled with her family, lived on the streets of Kakamega and survived by earning money through prostitution. She came into contact with The Salvation Army and attended a local programme, where she became a Christian and turned her life around (from Revive, July–September 2015). Hyderabad, Pakistan Young women are empowered through literacy and English lessons run by the corps officer (minister) and divisional director for women's ministries. Pakistan – Tom Godec A young woman listens intently during a women’s rights programme run by The Salvation Army (from All the World, January–March 2013). Faisalabad, Pakistan – Keri Shay A young participant at a mother-and-child programme run by The Salvation Army in Faisalabad seeks the best possible care for her child. RUNNER-UP: Tamil Nadu, India – Captain Ruth Junior Home League members dance at a Junior Home League rally. Tamil Nadu, India – Major Santhi Babu Women plant a tree sapling during a Home League rally. Andaman Islands, India – Annie Grace Dasari New Home League (women’s group) members are enrolled during a Home League rally at Andaman Corps (church). Bapatla, India Groups of young women engage in public prayer on Suryalanka Beach, Bapatla, Andhra Pradesh. Bapatla, India Members of Perli Corps (church) in Andhra Pradesh raising awareness in the community of the ongoing problem of child marriage. Colombo, Sri Lanka – Berni Georges Major Shanthi Senarathna with a resident of The Haven and Sunshine Home, which are run by The Salvation Army (from All the World, January–March 2020). RUNNER-UP: Gan Wol Island, Korea – Major Young-Gue Lee November to April is oyster picking season on Gon Wol Island. Residents of Gon Wol Island endure harsh weather during the oyster picking season from November to April. Corps officers (ministers) Major Young-Gue Lee and Major Hee-Ja Kang (pictured) take this ministry opportunity to visit the people for a time of support and sustenance, taking coffee, tea and bread to warm body and soul. Ki Sung Corps, Korea – Major Eun-Ju Chung Every May, Ki Sung Corps Home League holds a fundraising event. Artemisia rice cake is a popular item, so home league members collect Artemisia leaves, which is the essential ingredient, and prepare them as a group. Ki Sung Corps, Korea – Major Byung-Gue Park Non-professional volunteers spent hours painting a bright, attractive mural around the corps (church). Bandung, Indonesia – Lieutenant Yumiko Aibara The photo was taken after a holiness meeting at Bandung 3 Corps (church) featuring delegates to the South Pacific and East Asia College for Officers. The photographer writes: ‘I was the translator for the two officers shown on the photo – the delegates from Japan, Captain Naoko Kato and Captain Nobue Hosogai. The Indonesian woman in the yellow dress came quickly to the officers to link arms without hesitation. The could not communicate (by language) but the connected ladies were marching together!’ Port Morseby, Papua New Guinea – Colonel Julie Alley Captain Regina Gini and Captain Gaba Bini welcome guests to a Salvation Army function. Goroka, Papua New Guinea – Colonel Julie Alley Women from the Western Highlands wearing traditional bilum dresses to a Women’s Ministries rally. Australia – Adele Masters Rosy Keane, from the New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa Territory, tells delegates to an annual women's weekend how to 'Fight' with the love of Jesus. RUNNER-UP: New Zealand – Ingrid Barratt The photo was taken at the National Maori Hui (conference). Captain Faye Molen (right) was sharing a hongi with a local woman at a mass grave for Māori dating back to the New Zealand Land Wars, which took place in the mid- to late-19th century. Captain Molen described the moment that was captured as 'significant and personal', adding: 'My first husband has ties to this whenua [land] and is buried on Taupiri Maunga – the mountain of the Māori kings and queen.' She was there with her youngest daughter and said: 'Standing on the whenua where many of her whanaunga [ancestors/relatives] were slain and laid in an unmarked mass grave had a deep impact on me.' New Zealand – Major Shar Davis Captain Missy Ditchburn tries something a little different while hosting at a conference!
St Lucia
Sri Lanka
Papua New Guinea
New Zealand
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- View all the photos on Flickr
- Find out more about the launch event of the exhibition and the Reimagining of Women's Ministries
- Visit the Women's Ministries pages of the International Headquarters website