Raise Your Voice: Chapter selection
New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa Territory: A new Bible study resource, 'Raise Your Voice', has been produced by the Women’s Ministries department of the New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa Territory. Each chapter of the seven-part series provides a robust biblical foundation for The Salvation Army's belief that women are equal partners with men in both value and status.
Chapter summary (click to view and download each chapter separately):
Introduction, by Commissioner Julie Campbell
Chapter 1: Why Our Women Lead: The Legacy of Catherine Booth
Catherine Booth made a convincing biblical argument for the participation of women in The Salvation Army that we are still proud of today. Written by Major Liz Gainsford.
Chapter 2: Naked and Afraid: What Really Happened between Adam and Eve?
How God designed men and women for mutual and equitable relationship, which was lost at 'the fall'. Written by Major David Noakes.
Chapter 3: What was Jesus Doing When He Talked to Women? Part 1: Caught in Adultery … or Caught in Hypocrisy
How Jesus challenged power structures that de-valued women. Written by Major Christina Tyson.
Chapter 4: What was Jesus Doing When He Talked to Women? Part 2: Rethinking Mary and Martha
How Jesus advocated for women to enter the male space of authority and leadership. Written by Captain Faye Molen.
Chapter 5: Was Paul Sexist? A Radical Remix of the Household Codes
How the 'clobber verses' that have been used to keep women subjugated were actually a radical uplifting of those without power. Written by Ingrid Barratt.
Chapter 6: Raise Your Voice … or Keep Silent?
How to read the difficult passages that seem to tell women to stay silent. Written by Major Ian Gainsford.
Chapter 7: Clothed and Confident: Our Hope Today
How Jesus affirmed feminine devotion, how that has been sexualised over the centuries, and how we can look to Jesus again to find hope for equity. Written by Captain Missy Ditchburn and Ingrid Barratt.