Each week, Salvationists around the world unite in praying for the same territory or region of The Salvation Army. Prayer requests are shared by the focus territory/region to help us pray with precision and power for one another.
This month, we are praying for:
Pray for Australia Territory
Led and inspired by our Territorial Commander, Commissioner Miriam Gluyas, we are preparing for a new season of growth and change with the Holy Spirit’s help, supported by a vision of provision in 2 Kings 3. We thank you in advance for your prayerful intercession.
- Pray for deep faith and belief in the advancing Kingdom of God, trusting that God is always on the move, whether progress is visible or gradual.
- Please pray for the ‘Big 5’ areas we have seen emerging and are committing to as a territory in this new season:
- Discipleship: by following the way of Jesus, being a disciple who invests in another disciple, who, in turn, makes another disciple.
- Evangelism: by being confident in God’s complete good news story and eager to share his message when the time is right.
- Prayer: by regularly being still, listening and being renewed by the presence of the living God.
- Spiritual warfare: by being wise and discerning in the spiritual battles we face.
- Mission: by playing our part in advancing God's mission in our local context as we ‘Gather, Grow, and Go.’
- Pray for pioneers and pioneering—that we would be seeing, understanding, and empowering those who feel led to step out in a new way, to carve new paths for the advancement of the Kingdom.
- Rejoice with those who are experiencing breakthroughs and pray for those in tougher seasons, believing in a future filled with hope.
- Pray for perseverance in difficult times, trusting in God’s provision, even when challenges arise, as seen in 2 Kings 3.
- Pray for a combination of faith and action for our soldiery, staff, and everyone who encounters our movement, trusting that God will provide as we take the steps Jesus asks of us, even if they seem unclear at first.
- Pray for confidence in God's provision, believing that he will send the rain when we do our part. Pray also for patience to wait for God’s timing.
- Pray for determination and commitment to do the hard work, trusting that God will honour our efforts. Pray for perseverance for our people, knowing that God’s transformation work in the world at times asks for our combined effort, and ask God for strength to press on with the shared yoke of Christ.
- Pray for the courage to stand firm and explain our faith to those who may not understand the work God has called us to, with hope of their salvation at the forefront of our purpose and mind.
- Pray for focus on the priorities of God's mission: that Jesus would be at the centre of everything, and that we would wisely spend our time, money and energy.
- Pray for a deepening focus on the things God values, especially salvation, holiness, and advancing God’s Kingdom.
- Pray for a fresh understanding of God’s mission as revealed by the Word, our own lives and the saints that have gone before - remembering that we are part of God’s ongoing story.
- Pray for a shift in our perspective and communication, recognising that we live in a ‘pre-Christian nation’ and need to share Jesus in ways that people can understand — including with our staff and soldiery, whom we value and thank God for.
- Pray for God’s Spirit to lead us as a movement that is Jesus-centred, Spirit-led, and hope revealed throughout 2025 and beyond.
- Pray with us in both excitement and faith, anticipating what God will accomplish as we labour together for God’s Kingdom.
- Pray for our part in the ‘People, Mission and Legacy’ focus to be outworked in our communities, across our nation, and to impact the world for Jesus’ name.
Find out more about Australia Territory
Pray for Ghana Territory
Please pray for:
- Good governance to affect good leadership decisions.
- Self-reliance vision to be embraced by all stakeholders in The Salvation Army - the youth, local officers, board of directors, adherents and soldiers. To adventure into income-generating ventures like setting up a Salvation Army printing press and investments at corps/divisional levels.
- Raising business leaders to sponsor/support all business activities in the territories.
- Intentional disciple-making and church planting activities. Through evangelism week, seminars and training, setting dates to send the trained out and declaring mission fields for church planting.
- A successful women’s congress in West Africa. Please pray for good organisation and participation, travelling mercies and good content.
- Capacity-building for officers in related fields that will promote and grow the church spiritually, numerically, academically and financially.
- Protection and documentations of all Salvation Army landed properties and lands.
- Ability to execute and implement the strategic goals set for sustainability of the Army in Ghana.
Find out more about Ghana Territory
Pray for Southern Africa Territory
Praise points:
- We thank God for the 10 young people who have committed to serving on the territorial mission team for 2025.
- We give thanks for the eight cadets entering the college for officer training as part of the Keepers of the Covenant Session.
Prayer requests:
- Territorial Women's Conference (10 - 13 July). Pray for women to encounter God in ways that renew their faith, strengthen their hearts and encourage their souls.
- Territorial Music Camp (6 - 10 October). Pray for musicians to experience God’s presence, grow deeper in faith and use their gifts to glorify him.
- Territorial Brengle (27 - 30 October). Pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit that leads to deeper holiness and a fierce love for Jesus.
- People to offer themselves for full-time service. Pray for hearts to courageously answer God’s call to officership as the Holy Spirit continues to call people to full time service.
- Spiritual hunger and holy discontent. Pray for a longing for more of God that sparks revival, fuels bold change and ignites faith in every junior soldier, soldier, officer, corps and centre — a holy restlessness that refuses to settle for spiritual complacency.
Find out more about Southern Africa Territory
Prayers for Holy Week
Welcome to Holy Week. This week, we take a pause from a normal rhythm of prayer as we journey towards the cross. Join with Salvationists around the world as we remember Christ’s sacrifice, embrace his grace, and walk in the hope of his resurrection. You may want to use these written prayers:
- Monday: Lord, as we begin this Holy Week, help us to walk in humility and obedience, just as You did. When challenges arise, give us the strength to trust in your plan and the grace to follow wherever you lead.
- Tuesday: Jesus, in a world full of distractions and temptations, open our hearts to your truth. Help us to recognise what is right, stand firm in faith, and boldly live as your disciples, even when it is difficult.
- Wednesday: Lord, cleanse our hearts of anything that betrays your love. Free us from selfishness, doubt, and fear, so that we may remain faithful to you in all circumstances.
- Maundy Thursday: Jesus, as you knelt to wash the feet of your disciples, you showed us that love is found in humility and service. Teach us to love as you love, to serve as you serve, and to give of ourselves generously to others.
- Good Friday: Lord, today we stand at the foot of your cross, overwhelmed by the depth of your sacrifice. Thank you for your boundless mercy and love —may our lives be a reflection of the grace you poured out for us.
- Holy Saturday: In the stillness of this day, when the world waited in silence, teach us to trust in you even when we cannot see the way forward. Fill us with patient hope as we await the joy of resurrection.
- Easter Sunday: Jesus, you are risen! Death is defeated, and love has triumphed! Fill our hearts with the joy of your resurrection and the power of your Spirit, that through our words and our actions, we may share the Good News with the world.
Worldwide Prayer Meeting
This Holy Week, we invite you to pray for our movement:
- Thank God for the incredible sacrifice of Jesus on the cross and his glorious resurrection. Pray that our people will truly grasp the depth of Christ’s love for them and the power of his victory over sin and death. Pray that this Easter will lead us to greater gratitude, sincere worship and deeper commitment to following Jesus in all areas of life.
- Pray for The Salvation Army to stay centred on Christ, so that all we do flows from his love. Ask God to help us reflect his heart to the world.
- Pray for our faith to be strengthened so we can stand firm and serve boldly. Ask God to help us trust him no matter what we face.
- Pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon our movement, that our people will experience deep spiritual renewal and be filled with fresh passion for mission.
- Pray for courage and boldness to share the message of Christ’s love and resurrection, especially during this Easter season. Ask God to open hearts and prepare the way for people to receive the gospel. May we be empowered to witness fearlessly and compassionately, reaching those who need to hear the hope of salvation through Jesus with our words and actions.
- Pray for Easter campaigns, worship gatherings and outreach events that will take place all over the world this week. Pray for lasting fruit from these ministries as many are led to faith and renewed in their walk with God. May his presence be evident in every gathering, and may the love of Jesus be shared with those in need of hope.
- Pray for The Salvation Army to be a light in dark places. Ask Jesus to use us to bring the message of hope, justice, and salvation to all.
- Pray for people living in places of war and conflict, that they may know God’s peace and love for them. Ask God to bring healing, justice, and an end to violence.
Reflections for Holy Week and Easter: Raise!
Prayer calendar
Download the 2025 International Prayer Focus calendar.
April 2025
- Southern Africa Territory
- Holy Week
- India Central Territory
- Hong Kong and Macau Territory
May 2025
- Kenya East Territory
- USA Southern Territory
- Spain and Portugual Territory
- India Eastern Territory
June 2025
- Indonesia Territory
- Kenya West Territory
- USA Western Territory
- Sweden and Latvia Territory
- India Northern Territory
Join the community
Join the International Spiritual Life community on social media to connect and encourage one another in faith:
Contact Spiritual Life Development at International Heaquarters: ihq-sld@salvationarmy.org