Each week, Salvationists around the world unite in praying for the same territory or region of The Salvation Army. Prayer requests are shared by the focus territory/region to help us pray with precision and power for one another.
This month, we are praying for:
Pray for The Netherlands, Czech Republic and Slovakia Territory
Prayer and praise points:
- Thank God and praise him for sending us new workers to bring in the harvest. Pray that we might be receiving more new Christian workers.
- We give thanks for our active and retired officers, Salvationists, employees and volunteers who faithfully serve God through The Salvation Army.
- We thank God for the many new and creative faith communities that have started. Pray that we continue to find new ways of connecting with people to create new community based ministries.
- We praise God for the development of our scouting groups and adventure clubs. Pray for the planned commencement of scouting groups in the Czech Republic.
- The children's and youth work in corps and in our community centers. That we make room for a new generation to rise up and serve God in new and creative ways.
- The Roma community as we continue to develop this ministry. (there are approximately 700 settlements in Slovakia).
- Victims of human trafficking and discernment and wisdom for officers, employees and volunteers who are involved in this ministry and the expansion of this ministry.
- The European Youth Event (EYE) which will be held in The Netherlands this year. May it be a life changing experience for young people who come together from throughout Europe.
- For commissioning, which will be held in the Czech Republic in June 2025. Commissioning weekend will also celebrate 35 years since The Salvation Army was able to recommence work in the Czech Republic.
Find out more about The Netherlands, Czech Republic and Slovakia Territory
Pray for Sri Lanka Territory
Prayer requests:
- New applicants for college - please pray for the 11 applicants who are preparing for the 2026 training session.
- Children and youth activities - pray for all children and youth activities in the territory, especially Sunday School programmes and this year’s Vacation Bible School in all corps.
- Extension ministry work - out of the eight extension mission points established last year, two have been upgraded to corps status. Let us thank God for this victory and pray for a bold spirit to continue sharing the love of Christ in these areas.
- Officers’ well-being - pray for the spiritual, mental and physical health of all officers.
- Economic and social well-being - pray for the country’s economic and social stability, and for the new government, that they may lead the nation toward a better life for its citizens.
- South Asia College for Officers (February) - pray for the South Asia College for Officers hosted by our territory in February. May the delegates return to their respective missions with a renewed spirit and boldness to bring more people to Christ.
Find out more about Sri Lanka Territory
Pray for Taiwan Region
Prayer requests
- 60th anniversary congress in October, including Brengle Institute, revival meeting and congress celebration - pray for all the preparation and most importantly the hearts of our congregations.
- Five potential candidates - five soldiers have indicated their intention to respond to the calling of officership. Pray for the process moving forward smoothly.
- Two corps are growing and need new premises. Pray for God’s guidance to new locations.
Find out more about Taiwan Region
Pray for Democratic Republic of Congo Territory
For the country - for more than a decade, our country has been experiencing a war of aggression that has caused more than 6 million deaths to date, so we pray:
- May the Lord protect the DRC, in the face of the threats of various pandemics that are disturbing the country and against the war of aggression that is causing a lot of material damage and damage to human life (people becoming refugees, homeless or orphans).
- May the Lord break through into the lives of children and young people who are involved in a culture of violence and abuse on the streets of Kinshasa.
- May the Lord touch the hearts of decision-makers so that peace may reign throughout the country, particularly in the east.
For the territory:
- Pray for the commissioning of new officers in June and for the new candidates who will be consecrated as cadets in October 2025.
- May the Lord give us the necessary means to concretise and carry out this great mission which is the salvation of souls. Pray that there be the opening of new posts and outposts.
- May the Lord bless and protect all the officers who are full-time in his service regardless of their background, may he bless the Salvationists and friends, may he increase the faith in each one so that there may be a total consecration and that his work may go forward.
Find out more about Democratic Republic of Congo Territory
Prayer calendar
Download the 2025 International Prayer Focus calendar.
March 2025
- USA Eastern Territory
- Norway, Iceland and The Færoes Territory
- Bangladesh Territory
- Australia Territory
- Ghana Territory
April 2025
- Southern Africa Territory
- Russia Territory
- India Central Territory
- Hong Kong and Macau Territory
May 2025
- Kenya East Territory
- USA Southern Territory
- Spain and Portugual Territory
- India Eastern Territory
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Contact Spiritual Life Development at International Heaquarters: ihq-sld@salvationarmy.org