Open Doors. Open Hearts. Exploring Biblical Hospitality Together.
A gift, a command, a reflection of the gospel.
Hospitality is not just the responsibility of those who welcome congregations into church or serve refreshments after the service. Nor is it reserved for those who receive hospitality as a spiritual gift.
We are all called to extend hospitality to those around us.
Biblical hospitality is both action and affection. It is receiving and serving others with our hands and our hearts, inviting them into the family of God. With open doors and open hearts, we can welcome others into a space where they are seen, where they are loved and where they are valued. Into a space where they can meet with Jesus and discover the fullness of life as God intended.
As followers of Jesus, we are to extend that invitation to everyone; to those we know and those we don’t, to those who are like us and those who are not.
In this eight day series, we take a closer look at examples and stories of hospitality found in the Bible and make time reflect on how we can practice hospitality well with our own lives.
Get your reading plan Host a small group Use the material in your corps Connect with others Thank you to members of the International Theological Council for preparing and sharing these reflections on biblical hospitality. Find out more about the International Theological Council and its members. Find artwork to help you share this plan with others in ‘promotional material’. This pack includes: This material has been produced by the International Spiritual Life Development team. If you would like to get in touch, please contact
There are a few ways to access the ‘Open Doors. Open Hearts’ reading plan:
Gather your people – your family, your friends, your church, your small group, your music group, your colleagues – and go on this journey together. Whether in person or on the Bible App, invite others to read with you. Each day ends with a question for personal reflection or, depending on the intimacy of your small group, discussion.
Share this invitation with others in your corps or church community. Share this link and find promotional material for use in your corps.
Follow @SalvArmySpiritualLife on Facebook and Instagram to receive prompts on your feed each day, to connect with others who are reading and be encouraged.
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Follow @SalvArmySpiritualLife on Facebook and Instagram to receive prompts on your feed each day, to connect with others who are reading and be encouraged.