28 February 2025

The Salvation Army International has launched its latest book, Gospel Conversations: Building Confidence Through Christian Apologetics. The launch occurred during family prayers at International Headquarters (IHQ) in London on Thursday 27 February 2025, led by the book’s author, Major Phil Layton.

During his introductory remarks, Secretary for Communications Major Peter McGuigan acknowledged the author’s work and the fact that it was his fourth book. ‘Writing a book is a journey that takes many twists and turns,’ he said. ‘So congratulations on having arrived at this point.’ Major McGuigan also commended the IHQ editorial team for their work alongside the author.

Major Phil Layton, in Salvation Army uniform, sits at a wooden table signing a copy of his new book, Gospel Conversations
Major Phil Layton signs copies of Gospel Conversations at IHQ on Thursday 27 February 2025

Major Layton spoke of the urgent need to share the love and the message of Jesus with others, in a world where people often think about the big questions of life but rarely talk about them. He gave a personal example in which he had been challenged by the Spirit of God after not sharing Jesus with a person during the COVID pandemic. He also led prayers of praise, confession and thanks.

Commissioner Ted Horwood, International Secretary for Programme Resources, concluded with prayer. He sought the blessing of God upon the book’s impact as an aid to building the capacity of individuals and The Salvation Army in sharing the life and message of Jesus.

During a morning tea at IHQ’s Café 101, Major Layton talked with officers and staff, and signed copies of his book. More than 850 copies of Gospel Conversations have been ordered in advance by Salvation Army territories around the world, and many have been sold through Amazon and at the launch.

In his foreword to Gospel Conversations, The Salvation Army’s international leader General Lyndon Buckingham writes: ‘This book by Phil Layton directly addresses those fears which may deter us from sharing the gospel and builds confidence through providing easy-to-remember logical arguments to some of the most common questions which Christians face today.’

More about the book

General Lyndon Buckingham holds a copy of Gospel Conversations, standing next to author Major Phil Layton

Gospel Conversations: Building Confidence Through Christian Apologetics is written to help overcome the fear of sharing Jesus with others. It offers clear, easy-to-recall answers to questions like ‘How do we know that God exists?’, ‘What about suffering and evil?’, ‘Who made God?’, ‘Are all religions true and equal paths to God?’, ‘Did Jesus really rise from the dead?’ and ‘Can the Bible be trusted?’.

The book guides readers in navigating doubts and sharing their faith with empathy and respect. Gospel Conversations will prove an essential companion for personal faith development and equip all Christians for sharing Jesus.

Whether looking to deepen your own understanding or feel more empowered to share your beliefs, this book is an invaluable resource for you, your family or friends. 

Paperback ISBN 9781912981717

Available from your local Salvation Army trade department, Salvationist Publishing and Supplies and Amazon.

eBook ISBN 9781912981724

Watch: Major Phil Layton introduces Gospel Conversations

IHQ Communications

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