07 June 2024

Photographers in the USA and Sri Lanka have been named as the winners of The Salvation Army’s Equip photography competition.

Taking inspiration from two Bible verses, Ephesians 4:12 and John 4:35, photographers were asked to submit images which captured either open land used for crops or a place where the active mission of Christ exists.

Entries were received from 25 territories across the Salvation Army world, with winning photographs by Charles Rex Arbogast (USA Central) and Lieut-Colonel Milton Collins (Sri Lanka) chosen by members of the Equip Advisory Team.

Major Brenda Allen, Equip Coordinator at International Headquarters, said, ‘My prayer is that the photos and the gifts of the photographers would be celebrated, and that the Lord would inspire hearts through the message of his Word that accompanies these beautiful images.’

Equip is the new online learning platform for everyone involved in the mission of The Salvation Army. Equip courses provide training in international development, church mission, community projects and more: salvationarmy.org/ihq/equip.

The winning photographs

Category One: An area of open land used for, or yielding, a crop

Winner: Charles Rex Arbogast, Norridge Citadel, USA Central

Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. Whoever has ears, let them hear
‘Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop  a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. Whoever has ears, let them hear.’ (Matthew 13:8-9).

Charles Rex Arbogast’s photograph captures dramatic skies over the Palouse countryside in Washington State, USA.

Category Two: A Salvation Army space/place where the active mission of Christ exists

Winner: Lieut-Colonel Milton Collins, Territorial Headquarters, Sri Lanka

The water of life
‘The water of life’ (Revelation 21:6)

In Lieut-Colonel Milton Collins’s photograph, a young child from a small village in Sri Lanka’s Anuradhapura District enjoys a drink of water. The community in this predominantly Buddhist region recently opened a new well with the support of The Salvation Army World Service Office and the Sri Lanka Project Team. The well provides safe, clean water for around 450 families, helping to fight chronic kidney disease.

IHQ Communications

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