- The ISJC has welcomed two new interns recently – Joy Sunday joins the team as the Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Response Intern, and Isabel Fairclough as the Content and Resource Development Intern. Learn more about them here.
- The International Social Justice Girls has launched! This group is organised to speak about matters that concern girls and what matters in their lives now and for the future. They will encourage international conversations to occur among girls across the world regarding topics that matter to them personally and that play a part in their lives. Find out more here.
- 20th February 2022 was World Day of Social Justice – check out the video:

Biblical Foundation of Social Justice
Let’s take a look at the Biblical foundation of Social Justice!
The Salvation Army is committed to social justice because it is foundational to the character of God, as ascribed by the Psalmist: ‘Righteousness and justice are the foundations of your throne.’ (Psalm 89)
The writings of the Old Testament have a repeated theme to care for the outcast, marginalised and powerless. We frequently read to care for ‘the orphan, the alien and the widow.’ (Psalm 146)
In the New Testament, with the coming of Jesus a new day dawns and we see justice now lived out on the margins of society. This is a major shift: from theory to practice.
This Year's Theme
Our theme for this year is, 'Hope: Anchored in faith, fulfilled by love'. Check out our introduction video:
Dates for your Calendar
- World Day of Social Justice, Sunday 20th February 2022
- International Women’s Day, Tuesday 8th March 2022
- International Women’s Day YouTube Event Hosted by Commissioner Rosalie Peddle. This will premiere at Midnight EST (5am UTC), and then available to watch at any time.
- Sustainability Webinar Hosted by Colonel Janet Munn. This will premiere at 8am EST (1pm UTC), and then available to watch at any time.
- For more information visit the IWD page.
- United Nations Commission on the Status of Women - 14th-25th March 2022
- International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Monday 21st March 2022
- World Water Day, Tuesday 22nd March 2022
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Response
ISJC and the United Nations
Commission on the Status of Women
The United Nations is preparing for their largest event of the year - the Commission on the Status of Women. This event will be held virtually from 13th-25th March 2022. The Salvation Army will be taking part in many of the events with Salvationists from around the world being showcased.
International Women’s Day
Many Salvationist women from around the globe will be taking part in this years’ International Women’s Day. The ISJC will be hosting a webinar based on the 2022 theme: Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow. For more information visit IWD 2022 page.
Things to Pray For
- For the new ISJC interns, Joy and Isabel, as they start their new roles. May they develop spiritually, professionally, and personally, throughout their internships and pray for their work they will be doing.
- For our upcoming events, particularly International Women's Day. Pray that people will be inspired to fight for gender equality so that each of God’s children may be treated alike.
- For Salvationists working around the world to further the ideals and values we discern from God. Pray for those speaking into policy on national and international levels, and for those bringing about justice in their local communities.
- For strength and perseverance for those experiencing and those fighting modern slavery and human trafficking.
- For an end to injustice in every form.
How do we seek justice together?
Social justice is brought about when God’s people all work together. While a lot of social justice work is influencing policy and systems, it would be nothing without people working at a local level to make real change within their communities.
Want to be part of that? Then choose Social Justice as the topic of your next Bible study or devotions, talk about our events with your friends, and get involved in the social programme at your local Corps.
We are all part of the same body, each with our role to fulfil.
’Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.’ 1 Corinthians 12
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