Welcome to the International Social Justice Women's Group! 

Purpose of the Group

The purpose of this group is to bring women from around the world together to be the grassroot voice on social justice issues that women deal with globally. The group will mirror the United Nations NGO Commission on the Status of Women group and deal with the main themes of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) for that year and address women’s issues from other UN Commissions and Forums. The group will be comprised of global Salvationist women who will share stories, facts and insight regarding the topics that would be addressed at the Commissions or Forums. Information will be shared with the International Social Justice Commission (ISJC) and with Commissions, Committees and Forums.

Criteria for the Group

  • Be a uniformed Salvationist.
  • Have a knowledge of Gender Equality issues.
  • Be familiar with the United Nations Sustainable Developmental Goals.
  • Be willing to commit to one year on the committee.
  • Be willing to attend virtually a meeting once a month.

Goals for the Group

  1. To give a voice to the issues on the table of the UN from a grassroots perspective.
  2. To share with other women in local Corps or Divisions the plight of women in the 21st Century.
  3. To give aide to the ISJC in preparation for the Commission, Committee and Forums.


  • If visas allow, to attend the Commission on the Status of Women at the United Nations in New York.
  • To be a speaker on a panel during the Commission on the Status of Women or at the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues.
  • If visas allow, to attend a Women’s Camp in the US to talk about Gender Equality and the issues women face.


How to Apply

Applications for this year's cohort is now closed! Please stay tuned for updates for the next year's cohort.