

When people are deceived, coerced or forced to take part in sexual activity for someone else's personal profit or financial gain.


When people are coerced to work for little or no payment, often under threat of punishment.


When people are coerced to work for little or no payment, often under threat of punishment. A Person who works within their employer’s home. This arrangement becomes exploitative when:

  • There are restrictions on the domestic worker’s movement
  • They are forced to work long hours for little pay
  • They may also suffer physical and sexual abuse

When a person is put under pressure to marry someone. To achieve this, they may be:

  • Threatened with physical or sexual violence
  • Or placed under emotional or psychological distress

When someone is forced to carry out criminal activity through coercion or deception.


Children and young people, ranging from 4-18yrs old, both male and female, used for any military purpose.


Involves removing a part of the body, commonly the kidneys and liver, to sell often as illegal trade.

Principles and Values

We are... Loving and Compassionate:

Inspired by Jesus, The Salvation Army aims to embody deep love and compassion across our responses and in our relationships with one another.

We are...Survivor-Centered:

The strengths, needs, desires and voices of survivors should be at the forefront and centre of The Salvation Army's responses.

We are... Coordinated and Integrated:

As modern slavery and human trafficking (MSHT) is a multidisciplinary issue, an interconnected and collective response is required throughout The Salvation Army.

We are... Learning together:

We believe all people are made in the image of God and equal in value. With this in mind – we listen and learn from those we serve and work alongside.

We are...Locally led:

The Salvation Army acknowledges local communities hold the best solutions and embrace being led by solutions created locally.

We are... Inclusive:

The Salvation Army aims to create a culture of belonging where deep participation of Salvation Army expressions and personnel is shaping and informing our practices and responses.

What We Do: The Salvation Army’s Holistic Response

The Salvation Army participates with God in accelerating community-led responses to modern slavery and human trafficking around the world. Our Freedom Action Framework serves as our eight global response areas.



Our responses to modern slavery and human trafficking are rooted in deep spiritual foundations.

  • Our prayer responses include: International Day of Prayer for Victims of Human Trafficking
  • Spiritual Support for those vulnerable to and has experienced modern slavery and human trafficking.

We raise awareness and address MSHT root causes in local communities as a vital way to decrease vulnerability and increase well-being.
Our Prevention responses include:

  • Outreach programmes and initiatives
  • Awareness raising

We invite and equip all Salvation Army people and ministry units to participate and respond to MSHT.

Our Participation responses include our corps, outposts, institutions, societies, schools, hospitals, hostels, programmes and projects.


We walk alongside and serve survivors as they regain their physical, mental, emotional, relational and spiritual health. Our Protection responses provides a wide range of services:

Safe Housing, Drop-In centres, Education/literacy, Employment/training, Counselling, Return and reintegration support, Case management


We support survivors as they access legal assistance and support restorative justice efforts..

Our Prosecution responses include:


We partner with a vast network to respond to modern slavery and human trafficking.


We create internal policies and advocate for external policies that reduce MSHT and its demand in the communities we serve in.


We ensure our response contributes to and is received from research.

Fight for Freedom Strategy from ISJC on Vimeo.

Where We Work

Take a look at our map to explore where our responses are located and read stories of impact. 

Resources and Reports