The latest news releases and feature stories from The Salvation Army's International Headquarters.
The General Launches Australia One Initiative and Installs National Leaders
27 September 2016
Commissioners Floyd and Tracey Tidd were officially installed as national leaders of The Salvation Army in Australia by General André Cox
27 September 2016
Commissioners Floyd and Tracey Tidd were officially installed as national leaders of The Salvation Army in Australia by General André Cox
Hundreds Tour International Headquarters for Open House London 2016
21 September 2016
400+ people toured International Headquarters in London as part of Open House London, a city-wide event that celebrates buildings and architecture
21 September 2016
400+ people toured International Headquarters in London as part of Open House London, a city-wide event that celebrates buildings and architecture
The General joins European Leaders in Greece
19 September 2016
A large and diverse crowd greeted General André Cox and Commissioner Silvia Cox at a public gathering in Athens, Greece
19 September 2016
A large and diverse crowd greeted General André Cox and Commissioner Silvia Cox at a public gathering in Athens, Greece
The General and Commissioner Cox Build Relationships in Lithuania
13 September 2016
General André Cox and Commissioner Silvia Cox shared fellowship with people of all ages during their first visit to Lithuania
13 September 2016
General André Cox and Commissioner Silvia Cox shared fellowship with people of all ages during their first visit to Lithuania
News Feature: International Headquarters Prepares for Open House 2016
09 September 2016
IHQ will take part in Open House London, an annual celebration of the buildings, places and spaces where people live and work across the city
09 September 2016
IHQ will take part in Open House London, an annual celebration of the buildings, places and spaces where people live and work across the city
The Chief of the Staff Opens Catherine Programme Summer School in The Netherlands
07 September 2016
Cadets, soldiers and employees gathered to learn about Salvation Army history, doctrine, social work, ecclesiology and principles
07 September 2016
Cadets, soldiers and employees gathered to learn about Salvation Army history, doctrine, social work, ecclesiology and principles
The Chief of the Staff and Commissioner Rosalie Peddle Participate in USA Southern Bible Conference
05 September 2016
This year the theme for the conference was 'A Better Sacrifice'
05 September 2016
This year the theme for the conference was 'A Better Sacrifice'
The Chief of the Staff Installs Sweden and Latvia's Territorial Leaders
05 September 2016
Commissioners Johnny and Eva Kleman installed as leaders of the Sweden and Latvia Territory
05 September 2016
Commissioners Johnny and Eva Kleman installed as leaders of the Sweden and Latvia Territory
Inspiring New Documentary Reveals Salvation Army Ministry in Slovakia
01 September 2016
The first anniversary of the official opening of The Salvation Army in the country is being marked by the release of an inspiring new documentary film
01 September 2016
The first anniversary of the official opening of The Salvation Army in the country is being marked by the release of an inspiring new documentary film
The Salvation Army in Italy Prepares Earthquake Response
25 August 2016
The Salvation Army in Italy is making plans to respond to the earthquake on 24 August that brought devastation to the area about 150 miles NE of Rome
25 August 2016
The Salvation Army in Italy is making plans to respond to the earthquake on 24 August that brought devastation to the area about 150 miles NE of Rome