www.legerdesheils.nl | www.armadaspasy.cz | www.armadaspasy.sk

Captain and Mrs Joseph K. Tyler, English officers, and Lieutenant Gerrit J. Govaars, a gifted Dutch teacher, commenced Army work in the Gerard Doustraat, Amsterdam, on 8 May 1887. Operations soon spread throughout the country and reached Indonesia (then The Netherlands East Indies) in 1894. Further advances were made in 1926 in Surinam and in 1927 in Curaçao.

Salvation Army operations in Czechoslovakia commenced in 1919, the pioneer being Colonel Karl Larsson. Evangelistic and social activities were maintained until suppressed in June 1950. Under the leadership of Commissioner Reinder J. Schurink The Netherlands Territory was responsible for the re-opening of the work in Czechoslovakia in 1990 and Lieut-Colonels Wim and Netty van der Harst were appointed as officers-in-charge. On 1 February 2002, the territory was renamed The Netherlands and Czech Republic Territory.

Under the leadership of Commissioner Hans van Vliet, The Netherlands and Czech Republic Territory was responsible for the opening of the work in Slovakia in 2015 and Majors Teunis and Ria Scholtens were appointed as officers-in-charge. The territory was renamed The Netherlands, Czech Republic and Slovakia Territory on 1 September 2015.

Territorial Leadership

Commissioner Bente Gundersen - Territorial Commander

Colonel Donna Evans - Chief Secretary

Territorial Headquarters

Spoordreef 10
1315 GN Almere
The Netherlands

Contact us

Tel: [31] (36) 5398111

Email: info@legerdesheils.nl