Mission in Motion is a course for Salvation Army officers, soldiers, employees, leaders and volunteers who are seeking a fresh mission and ministry expression in a local setting.

The course provides simple and practical tools for engaging with people in a fresh, intentional way. Five inspiring modules will guide you through the process of determining and responding to a community's longing or need.

Rooted in the story of Jesus and the woman at the well (John 4:1-42), Mission in Motion is an invitation to listen to the Spirit and to discover how God’s Kingdom mission is unfolding in your local setting. 

Learn more about the intention and scope of Mission in Motion in this short video introduction:

Course Requirements

  • Mission in Motion is designed for a team of three to eight people committed to working together in a single local setting. All team members should be from the same corps, church or ministry setting. The team needs to meet together in person.
  • The course requires a commitment to a step-by-step journey over several months. Participants can look forward to an exciting and refreshing experience as the Spirit reveals fresh Kingdom life.
  • One team leader should guide the overall process, arrange meetings, encourage team members and ensure that every voice is heard during decision making. This leader can enrol on behalf of the team (which is helpful when access to devices is limited) or each team member can enrol as an individual student.

It is essential that the leader and team are in place before registering for the course.

Course outline and learning outcomes

Module 1: True Worship
Ground identity as a worshiper of the redeemer Jesus Christ who sends us, with the gospel, into the world. 

Module 2: Open Eyes
See the community and know how to listen to specific, Spirit identified, community needs/longings/desires (heart, emotional, physical, spiritual).

Module 3: Obedient Response
Move into the will of God, in response to the invitation of the people, determining and planning the way forward.

Module 4: Link Resources
Establish the God-given resources of both personnel and practical necessities and move the pieces and process into place.

Module 5: Secure Outcome
Engage implementation and evaluate for the purpose of refining the call to mission.


We look forward to receiving your application when your team is assembled and you are prepared to join this course.