
The Salvation Army commenced operations in south-east India on 27 May 1892 as a result of the vision received by Major Deva Sundaram at Medicine Hill, while praying and fasting with three officers when the persecution in Southern Tamil Nadu was at its height.

On 1 October 1970 the Tamil-speaking part of the Southern India Territory became a separate entity as the Army experienced rapid growth.

Territorial Leadership

Colonel Lalbulliana Tlau - Territorial Commander

Colonel Lalnunhlui Khawlhring - Territorial President of Women's Ministries

Lieut-Colonel Santhi Babu - Chief Secretary

Lieut-Colonel Samraj Babu - Territorial Leader for Leader Development

Territorial Headquarters

High Ground Road
Maharajanagar PO
Tirunelveli – 627 011
Tamil Nadu

Contact us

Tel: [91] (462) 2574331/2574313

Email: ise.mail@ise.salvationarmy.org