
Work was initiated in Russia in 1910 by Colonel Jens Povlsen of Denmark but circumstances necessitated his withdrawal after 18 months. Army operations then recommenced in St Petersburg in 1913 as an extension to the work in Finland. After the February 1917 revolution the work flourished, Russia became a distinct command and reinforcements arrived from Sweden. As a result of the October revolution they had, however, to be withdrawn at the end of 1918, leaving 40 Russian and Finnish officers to continue the work under extreme hardship until the Army was finally proscribed in 1923.

Salvation Army activities were officially recommenced in Eastern Europe in July 1991, overseen by the Norway, Iceland and The Færoes Territory with the arrival of Lieut-Colonels John and Bjorg Bjartveit. It became a distinct command in November 1992. Under the leadership of Commissioner Reinder J. Schurink, the work was extended to Ukraine (1993), Georgia (1993) and Moldova (1994). The Army commenced work in Romania in 1999. On 1 June 2001 the command was redesignated the Eastern Europe Command. It was elevated to territory status on 1 March 2005. The final stage of registering ‘the Moscow Branch of The Salvation Army’ was completed in April 2009.

2015 brought about a significant change in the structure of The Salvation Army in Eastern Europe. Georgia, Moldova, Romania and Ukraine formed the new Eastern Europe Territory, establishing Territorial Headquarters in Chisinau, the capital city of the Republic of Moldova. On 9 March 2021 the work officially commenced in Bulgaria. 

Territorial Leadership

Colonel Richard Borrett - Territorial Commander

Colonel Ann Borrett - Territorial President of Women's Ministries

Lieut-Colonel João Paulo Ramos - Chief Secretary 

Lieut-Colonel Karin Ramos - Territorial Secretary for Women's Ministries

Territorial Headquarters

5 Grigore Alexandrescu St
PO Box 523 mun. Chisinau
Republic of Moldova

Contact us

Tel: [373] (0) 22 893 000

Email: post@eet.salvationarmy.org