- The International Moral and Social Issues Council met for their first in-person meeting post-pandemic at Sunbury Court in London. The council discussed global trends of moral and social issues.
- In October, a 2-day Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Response training took place in Nigeria and was facilitated by ISJC intern, Joy Ime-Sunday, alongside International Programme Manager from the UKI Territory, Toluwanimi Jaiyebo, and Africa Zonal MSHTR coordinator, Anne Makumi. Participants learned about The Salvation Army’s work in Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Response and signed pledge cards demonstrating their commitment to MSHTR in their corps and communities.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. There was a man sent from God whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light. The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God— children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
John 1:1-14
According to human law it was inconceivable that the Divine would ever become human. God was to remain God, both in the image humanity created God to be – powerful, violent and judgmental – as well as in locale – God lived above the heavens, distant and powerful, to be feared and reverenced, clearly distinguishable from humanity and creation.
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Response
Data to Disrupt Trafficking Nomination
The Salvation Army is pleased to have received a commendation for “Collaborative Disruption” as part of Stop The Traffik ’s Data to Disrupt Trafficking Awards 2022. This event celebrated collaborations, organisations & projects that are using data & technology in original ways to share information & change the environment in which trafficking & exploitation thrive.
UN General Assembly Contribution
The Salvation Army International Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Response Team has become one of just six stakeholders whose input was included in a report to the UN General Assembly. This report focused on Trafficking of Persons in the Context of Climate Change & was delivered by Special Rapporteur, Siobhan Mullally. It is available for access here: ISJC UN General Assembly Contribution
ISJC and the United Nations
United Nations General Assembly
The 77th Session of the United Nations General Assembly opened on September 13th. High level meetings took place from the 20th to the 26th of September & all meeting summaries & webcasts are available on the UN website: https://press.un.org/en/content/general-assembly
Learn more about The Salvation Army’s relationship with the United Nations: https://salvationarmy.org/isjc/ISJCUN
International Day of the Girl Highlights
International Day of the Girl took place on October 9th & featured the voices of young Salvationist girls from around the world. The live event provided girls a platform to showcase their talents - creatively celebrating 10 years of girls' activism. Check out the webpage to see the highlights! https://salvationarmy.org/isjc/IDG2022
Orange the World
The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence began on the 25th of November & continued through the 10th of December. This year’s theme was “UNITE! Activism to end violence against women & girls”. For resources & information, visit the Orange the World webpage: https://www.salvationarmy.org/isjc/16Days
Things to Pray For