From Alcohol Addiction to Recovery Coach
Scott Blok admitted himself to Turning Point, a local resource for alcoholics and addicts, in September of 2010. Within a six week timeframe leading up to his admittance, his wife left him, his house was foreclosed and his second alcohol-related offense put him in Kent County jail.
Life’s hardships were coming in ten-fold for Scott, who then received help and hope at Turning Point. Now, Scott is working there full-time as a Peer Support Specialist and Recovery Coach.
“Whenever a client learns that I’m a recovering alcoholic and I share many of the same life experiences, it tends to break down the barriers to recovery fairly quickly,” said Scott. “And when they learn that I’ve been a patient at Turning Point and that I’ve probably slept in the same beds they are sleeping in, there is an instant sense of credibility and bonding as well as an increased willingness to get well.”
The support that Scott offers Turning Point patients does not come “from studying a textbook.” He is able to guide them through a program he has experienced first-hand and relate to his patients. The path of recovery requires that kind of relationship.
“Scott is a true success story and it is a privilege to have him on staff here at Turning Point,” said Jill Krause, Turning Point Programs Director.
Turning Point provides detoxification, intensive stabilization, residential treatment and outpatient services. For 24 hour help and information, call 616-742-0351.