Focus on Mission: Emergency Food Pantry
According to Feeding America, more than 48.8 million people face the threat of hunger daily in the United States. To help mitigate that threat, The Salvation Army serves 60 million meals to anyone in need across the nation through its many soup kitchens, sit-down meal programs, food pantries, mobile meals and community gardens.
As part of this effort, The Kent County Salvation Army Emergency Food Pantry Program is available to anyone living in the Grand Rapids area who needs immediate food resources. This county-wide Food Pantry is open every weekday with varying hours.
Individuals and families who come to the Emergency Food Pantry are provided with information about food security and healthy eating and assisted in developing a plan to ensure greater food stability in their future. They are also provided with linkages to other community resources.
An on-site computer lab provides consumers with access to applications and information about potential government benefit programs for which they may be eligible. These include SNAP (food stamps) benefits, state emergency relief, cash assistance, home heating tax credit, and more.
Serving our neighbors at their point of deepest need is a hallmark of our Emergency Food Pantry.