In 2020, international Women’s Ministries underwent vital ‘reimagining’ to sharpen the focus and purpose of Women’s Ministries. The time has come to move into the next phase of the reimagining of Women's Ministries within The Salvation Army; it is time to sound the Battle Cry!

As The Salvation Army continues its global efforts to achieve gender equity, international Women’s Ministries has identified and prioritised three social justice focuses, urging individuals and groups involved with Women's Ministries across the world to adopt one, two or all of these focuses in their existing ministry and continued reimagining of ministry. We want to see:

  • Improved access to healthcare and a better understanding of women’s health
  • Increased education and development opportunities for women and girls, with fair compensation for their skills and labour
  • The elimination of violence against women and girls.

May God go with us as we seek the values of his Kingdom, making every effort to learn from each other as we are mutually transformed by his grace. So long as there is need for women to rise up against these oppressive forces, we will continue to raise our battle cry: the waters are rising, but so are we. We are not going under, but over!

Tags: Women's Ministries