26 March 2020

Diakonie Deutschland invited Eurodiaconia members to participate in a joint conference titled “The European Pillar of Social Rights: What has changed so far?.” The Conference brought together representatives of European civil society, trade unions and church-related organisations.

The aim was to map out the recent developments in the diverse Member States and prepare a contribution to the debate on the future process of the European Pillar of Social Rights. The international network meeting took place in Stuttgart.

In the discussions, the delegates stressed that the Social Pillar is laudable, but that there are issues of trust in regards to the implementation and evaluation of the different values.

The Social Pillar and the Green Deal

Some concern was raised that just as the EU supported austerity measures , the new EU Parliament may also be tempted to initiate the Green Deal at the expense of Social Europe. The network proposes that this should be done in tandem, and that there should be an inclusive balance.

The network meeting did highlight certain values as priorities that were believed to be achievable and would make a significant difference.

  • Child guarantee
  • Access to the Labour market
  • Housing first/Homelessness
  • Health care – long term care of elderly
  • Minimum Income

From the Salvation Army perspective, concerns were outlined in regards to:

Labour Market - Concerns of exploitation and trafficking for labour.

Social Housing – All other services, Social, Health, Education, Inclusion are all effected by lack of housing.  Best practice from Finland has shown Homelessness can almost be eradicated.

Child care/Guarantee - should be GUARANTEED to all children regardless of status, and should be properly and fully evaluated and reported on, not opted out to avoid accountability in in-country reporting.

Health care - the long term care of elderly needs a more comprehensive relationship with social care, quality of staff and quality of staff working conditions

Civic society has until November 2020 to respond to the ‘Opinion’ paper online.

Network Meeting Attendees included delegates from:

Diaconia Poland, Eurodiaconia, Caritas and Diaconia Baden -Wurttemberg, German trade Union DGB, Industrial mission of the Protestant church and Lutheren church, Union of Europe Fedralists, The Salvation Army - Europe


Tags: Europe