How diaconal organisations are integrating migrants in Europe...
by Catherine MALLET
At the beginning of May, The Belgian Salvation Army together with the Office for EU Affairs hosted Eurodiaconia’s Migration Network meeting here in Brussels. The meeting focused on the integration of third country nationals and was aimed particularly at facilitating the exchange of experiences and best practices among members of the network. Lieut-Colonel Massimo Tursi presented the context in Italy and how The Salvation Army has responded, explaining how they provide accommodation combined with other support measures, such as language lessons, basic healthcare, support in legal and administrative issues, as well as training and advice on finding a job.
The European Commission also presented the Action Plan on the Integration of Third Country Nationals which was been launched in June 2016.
Please download the meeting report here
As part of this meeting, participants attended a conference on ‘improving the labour market integration of young migrants’ organised by Eurodiaconia and partner PICUM. The event focused on different categories of young migrants, namely refugees, asylum seekers and undocumented migrants, exploring similarities as well as significant differences when it comes to labour market access. The aim of the conference was to illustrate the key role of civil society in facilitating labour market integration, to promote closer cooperation between different stakeholders (EU institutions, NGOs, local and national authorities and social partners) and to stimulate joint dialogue on key obstacles and next steps.
Download the event report here
Tags: Europe