18 April 2017
by Catherine MALLET

As part of the Roma week marked by the European Parliament in Brussels The EU Affairs Office attended an event organised by a number of Roma NGOs and Members of European Parliament (MEPs) to stock take on how National Roma Integration Strategies are being implemented as part of an EU Framework up to 2020, given that 2017 is also the mid-term review.

The event comes after civil society organisations were invited to contribute to the annual assessment of the implementation of the National Roma Strategies (NRIS). The Salvation Army responded to this assessment as the EU Affairs Office, with contributions from Sweden, The Netherlands and the UK.

During the event, Swedish-Roma Member of European Parliament Ms Soraya Post stressed that the EU Framework needs to continue after 2020, but that we need to introduce indicators on anti-discrimination. Mr Schmidt, head of the Roma Unit in the European Commission explained that we have to evaluate the current Framework including identifying the shortcomings and successes before making the new strategy. Sheener Keller from the Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) had four key messages to move forward:

  • Trust:  this is essential between Roma and local authorities
  • Participation:  this must not be a tick-box exercise, but meaningful, and should lead to empowerment
  • Empowerment:  creating a space to be heard through constructive dialogue.
  • Learning from failures: we should also dissect the successes, what are the common elements and what good practice can be shared?

A number of participants criticised the current framework and NRIS for lack of indicators, timelines and budgets as well as lack of results from funding interventions. However it was recognised the having an EU Framework at a high political level was an achievement in itself.

The European Commission ensured that the National Roma Platforms would now be held in all Member States and that information about accessing these platforms would be in a centralised place online. This is something The Salvation Army had requested so we are pleased to hear this development. We will continue to encourage The Salvation Army to get involved in the Platforms at national level. 

Tags: Europe