by André Cox
...but the journey goes on!
It hardly seems possible but yet we have finally reached the end of our year-long Bible Reading Challenge and have completed our systematic reading through the New Testament. What a fascinating and stimulating journey this has been. We pray that you have felt renewed, inspired and strengthened in your faith. Congratulations for this achievement!
Of course, the journey goes on from here. We would like to encourage you to continue reading and meditating on the Word of God and hope that the discipline and regular rhythm that you have picked up over these past 12 months will remain with you.
Commissioner Silvia and I feel passionately about the importance of reading the Bible and allowing God to speak to our hearts. For that to happen we need to create space and time to pause, listen and reflect. It is about setting priorities and good time management as we do our part to make the time to experience God’s presence. While, first and foremost, we emphasise the importance of reading the Bible, there are many additional supports that can help in your spiritual journey.
We therefore encourage you to use The Song Book of The Salvation Army, Words of Life or any other helpful resources to broaden your understanding of what God is saying to you. A free sample from the January-April 2016 edition of Words of Life is available here:
Commissioner Silvia and I pray that, as your spirit soars, you will experience life in all its abundance and bear much fruit for the glory of our Heavenly Father! May you feel more alive and more complete as you enjoy a close daily walk with God.
We pray that this will be your experience.
General André Cox
PS: We invite your feedback about your Bible Challenge experience through this short questionnaire. Thank you for your participation.