19 October 2015
by Philip Layton

Folded graveclothes

The author warns his readers to pay careful attention to sound teaching

Click here to read Hebrews 2

Discussion Questions

  • Should the wonders and signs we read about through Acts be seen as short-term aids that helped Christianity get started or are they miracles we should expect to continue seeing (v 4)?
  • Does the author indicate that he believes the devil is real or merely symbolic of evil (vv 14, 15)?
  • Why is it important to recognise that Jesus was fully human?

Share your thoughts below, or tweet about it with the #boundlessbible hashtag. Don't forget this week's Children's Challenge!

Going Deeper From 'Words of Life'

I enjoy receiving personal letters or cards in the mail! Better than emails or text messages, in my opinion. They are to be treasured. Even more so, God’s Word is to be treasured and cherished. It’s his Word to us, his children.

This letter to the Hebrews is included in this treasure. In fact, this second chapter tells us we must pay more careful attention to what God is saying to us through Scripture, so we don’t ‘drift away’.

It’s so easy for us to live day-to-day without the urgency to tell others of God’s saving grace or without the strong conviction of living a life of holiness that’s pleasing to God. Many of us are diligent in saving money, or compulsive about purchasing things we think we need for ourselves or for our children. We are so careful in planning our holidays, or what we will do or buy with money saved, say, 10 years from now. Yet sometimes we lose sight of the most important aspects of our Christian faith and spiritual walk with God. We lose focus on who Jesus is and what he means to us.

The writer to the Hebrews said – and says to us – be careful. Make sure you always put God first. If you do, everything else falls into place. The epistle goes on to tell us we are brothers and sisters with Christ (vv 11, 12).

It says Jesus is not ashamed of us, sinners that we are. Yet, are we ever ashamed of telling others we belong to him? Hesitant in telling people we are part of God’s family – and that they can be as well?

Christ wanted to be part of humanity, part of us. How wonderful! It’s a precious truth, confirmed in this brief summary of this treasured letter for the Hebrews – and for us today:

For this reason he had to be made like his brothers in every way, in order that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people (v 17).

Beverly Ivany

Tags: Hebrews