Prayer Sought for 2013 High Council
SALVATIONISTS and friends from around the world are asked to pray for members of the High Council as they prepare to meet near London, UK, to elect the next General of The Salvation Army. The High Council, which exists solely to choose a new international leader, will convene on 29 July at the Renaissance Hotel, Heathrow.
Salvation Army leaders will gather for pre-High Council meetings on Friday and Saturday 26-27 July. On Sunday 28 July they will share in prayer together as they prepare for their sacred task of discovering who God has chosen to lead his Salvation Army.
To help in the specific prayer support of the 117 members who will attend the High Council, a Flickr online photo album has been put together ( There is also a handy PDF which shows all the members – in order of seniority – and their dates of birth, along with a Word document containing the names in order of seniority but without photos.